Arch talk.

Retirement calculators

In today’s update we look at our retirement income and capital calculator and what impact the past 6 months may have made. #retirementcalculator


Arch Capital Update – 24th July 2020

Retirement Calculators

Welcome to today’s Arch Capital update.

Today’s update is about retirement calculators and projections, and how these may help you in your plan for retirement. Given the uncertainty in the markets over the last 6 months you may find yourself asking, “Will I have enough?” and “What’s going to happen in the future?”

Of course we don’t know what’s going to happen in the future but one tool we can use to help us predict it is an income and capital projection simulator. Despite not being able to tell us exactly what will happen in the future, based on a few assumptions this tool can use a number of inputs such as your age, how much super you have, how much extra you can contribute and what rates of return you could expect to analyse the impact this current market event has had on you and what we can control about that.

In using this calculator, variables such as expected rate of return and inflation can be changed to analyse a number of different scenarios. This calculator is useful whether you are about to retire, plan on retiring in 10 years’ time or have already retired.

This tool is incredibly helpful as it can provide peace of mind and can really help out in the planning stage or current retirement stage. If you would like us to run one for you, or a family member, please do not hesitate to reach out and we can organise a zoom or generate one for you and email it on.

We hope you are well and stay safe and well this weekend. Look forward to speaking soon.


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